Alhambra Slip & Fall Accident Attorney
Put Years of Experience in Your Corner
Lara Law Firm has demonstrated experience helping injured individuals recover from accidents, including slip and fall accidents. Though everyone trips and falls throughout their lives, sometimes these accidents are preventable and are caused by negligent entities. Slip and fall accidents can also result in injuries that are far more serious than bruising.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one million Americans suffer from slip and fall injuries and over 17,000 people die from them every year. Our Alhambra slip and fall accident attorney has helped clients secure compensation for their injuries and is available to walk you through the steps of your case. Even if you’re unsure whether someone caused your fall, calling us to investigate your accident can only be beneficial to your case – and your consultation is entirely free.
Contact us online or by phone at (626) 790-5758 to get the help you need. We offer legal services in English, Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
What is a Slip & Fall Accident?
After a fall, individuals may be able to file a slip and fall accident claim if they can show another party’s negligence is what led to their fall and injuries. Slip and fall accidents fall under a personal injury area known as premises liability, which holds property owners or managers responsible for any damages that occur on their property or in their building.
Just as drivers owe a duty of care to others on the road, property owners must maintain reasonably safe conditions on their property for residents, visitors, and customers. This means that if you slip and fall on someone’s property, whether it’s on a sidewalk or in an apartment complex, you may be entitled to seek damages from the person who owns that property.
Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere. Common places where these accidents can occur include:
- Offices
- Parking lots
- Shopping malls
- Apartment complexes
- Restaurants
- Grocery stores
- Inside buildings with dangerous conditions
A slip and fall accident might not always be the fault of the property owner. It’s important to hire a personal injury attorney after you’re treated for your injuries so you can determine liability and have a chance to recover any damages you’ve accrued.
Causes of Slip & Falls
The injuries a person can suffer from after a slip and fall accident vary depending on the nature of the accident and which parts of the body were impacted. For example, a fall from a great height can result in broken bones and paralysis, while slipping on a wet surface and hitting your head can cause a traumatic brain injury. Other injuries can include sprains and fractures, neck injuries, and back injuries.
A few of the most common causes of slip and fall accidents involve:
- Weather conditions: Though no one can control the weather, property owners and municipalities are still responsible for adjusting to weather conditions by shoveling sidewalks and salting their walkways to avoid accidents.
- Wet surfaces: Property owners can be held responsible for injuries if they fail to clean up spills or set out signs so individuals know the floor is wet from being recently mopped or waxed. Wet and uneven surfaces account for 55 percent of slip and fall accidents.
- Uneven surfaces: Property owners must also update their premises after wear and tear or defects cause the floor to be uneven, which is a major hazard for visitors. Accidents can be caused by defective sidewalks, parking lot potholes, loose floorboards, torn carpeting, loose mats, and poorly constructed staircases. Unsecured wires or cables can also pose a danger to individuals.
- Poor lighting: Though it may seem like a small issue when the lights in a parking lot or hallway go out, poor lighting or lack of lighting can cause serious injuries when people can’t see where they’re walking and are unable to avoid hazards like torn carpeting.
California’s Comparative Negligence Law
One of many reasons why it’s crucial to hire an attorney is that California’s comparative negligence law allows injured individuals to shoulder some of the blame for their own accident. This means that it’s likely the property owner you’re filing a claim against will counter your argument by pushing some of the blame onto you. They might allege that you weren’t allowed to be on the property, for example, or that you weren’t paying attention to where you were walking.
Taking partial blame for an accident will reduce the amount of compensation you recover. In order to recover the full amount you need to cover the costs of your damages including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering, you need to hire an attorney who has demonstrated success in winning cases for clients. Our lawyer has helped countless clients by proving property owner liability and can put his experience to work for you.
Call our Alhambra slip and fall accident attorney today after your accident at (626) 790-5758 for a free consultation. We also offer our legal services to clients in Huntington Beach.
Hear It From Our Clients
Thank you, Richard! You’re the best!
“He got me enough money to buy a new car, and he also got me $50,000 for my injury. This was the maximum amount available under the other driver’s insurance policy, the best possible outcome. Thank you, Richard! You’re the best!”
- Erin, Student of Nursing -
Highly recommend this law firm!
“Richard Lara and his team in Alhambra came recommended and we are glad that he and his team represent us for our business.”
- Randy T. -
Excellent and personalized service
“High standards of care, excellent and personalized service. Tries hard to do what is best for the client and always does what is the right thing to do.”
- Adam W. -
High standards of care
“Excellent and personalized service. Tries hard to do what is best for the client and always does what is the right thing to do.”
- Former Client -
He went above and beyond
“Richard sued the restaurant, and he got all of my medical bills paid and he also got me $15,000 for my pain and suffering. After that, the restaurant moved the trashcan away from that door so no one else would get hurt.”
- Billy, Body Shop Repair Specialist
Settlements & Verdicts
$344,000 Bus Crash
We have recovered a settlement for a client that suffered from serious injuries due to a tour bus crash.
$70,000 Soft Tissue Injury
We have recovered a settlement for a client who suffered from a soft tissue injury resulting from a rear end collision.
$68,000 Asset Seizure Defense
Recovered client's $67,996 cash, the entire amount that United States Customs and the DEA seized, by persuading the court that law enforcement confiscated the money in violation of state and federal law.
$50,000 Unpaid Wages & Hostile Workplace
Forced a $50,000 settlement for client in his case against his former employer for unpaid wages and hostile workplace.
$10,000 Sexual Harassment
Forced settlement for client for $10,000 for a client in her case against her former employer for sexual harassment and unpaid overtime.
Divorce Case Family Law
Forced a settlement for the client, which gave her ownership and possession of the marital residence and exclusive ownership and possession of vacation home to compensate her for her ex-husband's hiding and squandering of community property assets.
Achieved Reduction Serious Crimes
Achieved reduction of Attempted Murder charge to Misdemeanor Domestic Violence.
Hit and Run Criminal Defense
Negotiated Civil Compromise for client charged with hit and run, which resulted in all charges being dropped - Civil Compromise results in charges being dismissed if defendant agrees to pay victim's damages.
Theft Crimes Criminal Defense
Negotiated Deferred Prosecution for a client charged with larceny and shoplifting - Deferred Prosecution results in dismissal of charges in certain cases provided that defendant agrees to satisfy court-ordered conditions.